Friday, October 14, 2011

Reading at Two Colleges at the Same Time - An Interview


I, Barkha Dhutt welcome you to the Baith'ke baat here on BendyTV. Today we have with ourselves a young lad who has been nominated for the MTV youth icon. A guy who Studies in not only two Colleges at the same time but they are of different backgrounds of Science. An Aspiring Engineer-Cum-Doctor i must say..
Welcome Suvra Sankha Dev *applause*

B.D - So welcome to the Show Mr.Dev.

SSD - Gald to be here..

BD - wow, this is just great... I mean its true.. U seem to study in two colleges at the Same time. One
Engineering College and the other is Medical College.. How did you get that to happen.

SSD - Well i always wanted to be an engineer but more than that i wanted to know everything, "Knowledge" as a whole was my main aim in Life sorta thing. Soon as the School was getting over i wondered is this what i wanted to do for the rest of my life, I mean Being an Engineer was a Dream and I Genuinely was happy and i knew i would Love to be an Engineer with no regrets whatsoever, but later one night i just thoght  over it and i felt that no, something was not right, i felt uneasy and soon i realized that my passion was to "know", everything.  Everything the world can provide with. Every Experience, ever opportunity. I mean we live just once. I have nothing to loose. So later the very next morning i talked with my dad. He was more Confused than Curious. So yea.. That's how it all started..

BD - Well, thats a heck of a kick of realization you got. Tell us about how the Admissions happens. I mean the Studio audience and the millions watching are keen to know that.

SSD - The process had a bit of Pressure, Luck, Perspiration.. all Combined. So my dad did all the work dealing wid the Ministry.. I mean i appeared for both the AIEEE and Medical Exam and I got in for Both the colleges, but well i didnt one to choose one. So my dad wrote a letter and we had the entire thing sorted out and The Education Minister Read that and soon enough he approved. There were a few correction in the Clauses here and there but it was all sorted at the end. so yea..

BD - Thats incredible.. So how is the Entire College thing going on. How long it has been and tell us more..

SSD - Well it has been 3 months and Both the Colleges and its going good so far. They say Medical is Difficult and not Engineering. Trust me they both are Equally difficult. No comparison.

BD - Saying Difficult. How are you dealing with the pressure. I mean It must be Hectic.

SSD - Oww yaa.. Its Hectic all Right. I mean comming here for this interview i broght books wid me. Came Studing all the way and will go Studing. Mid-sems's Start in a Couple of days. But its not that i Study always, I mean the Engineering Stuff is More of the Practical work and Stuff.. I have to Study less and work on workshops more.. and the Medical Stuff is More of the STUDY STUDY STUDY method.. I Try not to loose my appetite and get any disease or Something, Coz than everything is ruined.. But well i manage. Somehow.

BD - How about the classes how do you manage them.

SSD - The most difficult task i have to accomplish.. haha.. I keep moving from one college to anotother every now and then. I have a allowance of 20% more leave of absence than other students in both the colleges and i am Sooo Thankful to Minister Sir for that. And i am utilizing the 20+20 = 40% in both the colleges and its helping a lot. The two colleges are couple of hours apart. So it gets kinda tiresome at times.

BD - Don't you think its partiality. Giving you a 20% Extra Credit in Both the Colleges.

SSD - I dont think so. Coz thats not something i thoght about, i mean "learning" is all i am asking. I dont think its too much to ask and am Sincere.. So No point in that.

BD - Ok. So Whats the deal with all the doctor stuff..

SSD - Well my mom is a Schizophrenic patient and we went to all the places in India Looking for a Cure and Not 1 doctor Could Help Us. So i took it as a Challenge.. Will Cure her...

BD - That's Good. Now Let us Take an Audience Question.. umm.... Yes you! over there..

Audience - Medic and Engineer.. Y not arts or Commerce too. U want to learn. So why not them too.
*Crowd Laughs*

SSD - I hope that wasn't Sarcastic :) .But well actually i did Think about that too. I love Economics and I do wright songs and poems and Stuff all the time. But nah, not risking to Take that much pressure and Ow I hate "History" and "Political Science".. I hope That Solves your Question.

BD - So tell us about your family and a little about personal life, if u may..

SSD- :) well my family comprises of me, my dad, my mom and my little sis.. And I love to hangout with my friends and trust me i do take out time to have fun.. Its not like i am always studying.. That's Personal Enough I guess..

BD - ok. So thats all the time we have for today.. Anything Else would u like to add...

SSD - Well, i hope government can carry out some law or sumthin tht a Student can "Learn" what ever he/she wants to and maybe allowed to Study where ever he wants once qualified...

BD - Thnk you for being here and i m sure you will do wonders someday.. People you just witnessed an Extra ordinary man here.. He is Going to Do Wonders.
Barkha Dhutt Signinig off from Baith'ke baat ...
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and we will be Back tomorrow at the same place, same time and Guess who's coming.. :)

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