Monday, October 17, 2011

Why I walk on the "Wrong" Side of The Road

I don't understand who made the stupid law of walking on the right side to where you are facing. I mean its okay with Vehicles to do that, But pedestrians.... I don't Get it. I mean as a general rule you should be facing oncoming traffic as u walk on the streets or the sidewalk, But here its different. You are facing away from the oncoming traffic and walking along the ongoing traffic. Vehicles appear behind your back as they pass you bye.  Suppose a Vehicle looses control, you wont be able to see your Death coming, by the time you gain consciousnesses you will be in heaven... Isn't it Logical just to see whats coming in-front of you as you as you walk and react as per circumstances. Road accidents and deaths in the Capital that pedestrian fatalities outnumber murders (528 in 2008). For instance, only 52 pedestrians died in Hyderabad in 2008, 74 in Bangalore, 29 in Pune, 62 in Jaipur and 71 in Nagpur for the same period. I m sure Most of them didn't even see their death coming. I can only hope they would be walking on the "Wrong" side of the Road, they could have ducked or done something to lessen the impact that led to their death. I mean isn't walking on the side of oncoming traffic a Logical Solution to lessen the death rates. 
Concluding i would say - Walking To the Right Side is the Wrong Side (unless u want to die), walk to the left and you have a 1UP... 

---- Sam Mysterio ^_^

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Engineering College Girls - The Chemistry

A Dubbing Done By me - Original Work by "Nitin Gupta" (I don't take Credit for it)

The Girls of Other Colleges Except Engineering like Media Colleges, Franklin University Sorta, Fashion Colleges etc, I Think The Girls of those Colleges are Like Electrons, High on Charge - Low On mass. There is flow of current but less mass.  The Girls of Engineering Colleges are Like Neutrons , No Charge But a Lot of Mass. I m not Taking about the Girls of my College, they are awesome, and when guys come to college, the 1st year guys, they are like Protons. High on Charge - High on Positive Energy. But Since they stay among Neutrons for 4years, their energy Starts to Dissipate slowly.... in quanta's.  In 1st year you are n=4, 2nd year n=3, 4th year n=1, and after passing out you reach Ground State. And Then if you get an Electron also, its of no use.

1st year when guys join the college, they are very ambitious , ready to react coz of Electron Deficiency.  For the very same stubbornness some guys remain unsaturated till they reach final year.

But, no matter what the engineering college is,  there is electron shower, at-least 2 times a year. Once During the Cultural Feast and the Other During Technical Feast. A lot of electrons from Other Campuses and Colleges come to your college. Some Are unstable electrons, out of their valence Shell, highly energetic. You might have love at first sight seeing their P - Orbitals.. I think many of u couldnt get that, please revise "Atomic Structure" and Read through it again. ;) .

Then there are the other category of girls, Delocalized Electrons. They have no idea what they are doing, One day with one guy and the other day  with another, they keep Resonating to and fro. Still they cant Stabilize, Reaction with them is very easy coz they have high proton affinity. So a lot of protons react during the Festivals.  Reaction Takes place in room temperature, highly exothermic, where a lot of energy is released in the process. I think thats why people say that this combination reaction is a great exercise. 

And then there is another category of girls who are very difficult to get through because they have got a very high dielectric constant. Their activation energy is Very high. To provide activation energy you have to do a lot of labor, like spend money, u have to give a lot of compliments, a lot of time., a lot of fake compliments and after that their activation energy goes down and they turn a bit soft and hence you can react. 
For people who cannot afford the activation energy they take the help of catalysts. Catalyst being the girlfriend of the girl you like. You make friendship with the girl, take her in your loop, make banana bond with her, so that she can lower the activation energy of the girl you like for you to react and like all catalyst she gets out of the reaction without effecting it. 

And then there is the final category of girls which you can get at Mumbai collages, they are like Semi-conductors . For setting them you need to introduce doping, and am not talking about P or N type doping ;). You people are clever enough. :D

So you might have noticed during campus festivals, guys of your colleges give a tour to girls from other colleges. I say that they are Electric Dipoles. Because you see, when a campus guy gives a girl who is from another college, a tour of his college, there is a one hand distance maintained between them, and thats what dipole is, right? Two Opposite Charges Separated by a Distance........ and their Distance is always constant and they just remain Best-friends.

So that's all, Girls are Electrons , Guys are protons. Pyar mein Dard Logic is Colloumbs law of Attraction.
And Talking about Girls of Engineering College, they are limiting reagent, Guys are Excess Substate. 
Somtimes it happens that you have a girlfriend and she cheats on you for another guy, thats called Back-Bonding.

----- Sam Mysterio ^_^ 

(source: Standup By Nitin Gupta)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Reading at Two Colleges at the Same Time - An Interview


I, Barkha Dhutt welcome you to the Baith'ke baat here on BendyTV. Today we have with ourselves a young lad who has been nominated for the MTV youth icon. A guy who Studies in not only two Colleges at the same time but they are of different backgrounds of Science. An Aspiring Engineer-Cum-Doctor i must say..
Welcome Suvra Sankha Dev *applause*

B.D - So welcome to the Show Mr.Dev.

SSD - Gald to be here..

BD - wow, this is just great... I mean its true.. U seem to study in two colleges at the Same time. One
Engineering College and the other is Medical College.. How did you get that to happen.

SSD - Well i always wanted to be an engineer but more than that i wanted to know everything, "Knowledge" as a whole was my main aim in Life sorta thing. Soon as the School was getting over i wondered is this what i wanted to do for the rest of my life, I mean Being an Engineer was a Dream and I Genuinely was happy and i knew i would Love to be an Engineer with no regrets whatsoever, but later one night i just thoght  over it and i felt that no, something was not right, i felt uneasy and soon i realized that my passion was to "know", everything.  Everything the world can provide with. Every Experience, ever opportunity. I mean we live just once. I have nothing to loose. So later the very next morning i talked with my dad. He was more Confused than Curious. So yea.. That's how it all started..

BD - Well, thats a heck of a kick of realization you got. Tell us about how the Admissions happens. I mean the Studio audience and the millions watching are keen to know that.

SSD - The process had a bit of Pressure, Luck, Perspiration.. all Combined. So my dad did all the work dealing wid the Ministry.. I mean i appeared for both the AIEEE and Medical Exam and I got in for Both the colleges, but well i didnt one to choose one. So my dad wrote a letter and we had the entire thing sorted out and The Education Minister Read that and soon enough he approved. There were a few correction in the Clauses here and there but it was all sorted at the end. so yea..

BD - Thats incredible.. So how is the Entire College thing going on. How long it has been and tell us more..

SSD - Well it has been 3 months and Both the Colleges and its going good so far. They say Medical is Difficult and not Engineering. Trust me they both are Equally difficult. No comparison.

BD - Saying Difficult. How are you dealing with the pressure. I mean It must be Hectic.

SSD - Oww yaa.. Its Hectic all Right. I mean comming here for this interview i broght books wid me. Came Studing all the way and will go Studing. Mid-sems's Start in a Couple of days. But its not that i Study always, I mean the Engineering Stuff is More of the Practical work and Stuff.. I have to Study less and work on workshops more.. and the Medical Stuff is More of the STUDY STUDY STUDY method.. I Try not to loose my appetite and get any disease or Something, Coz than everything is ruined.. But well i manage. Somehow.

BD - How about the classes how do you manage them.

SSD - The most difficult task i have to accomplish.. haha.. I keep moving from one college to anotother every now and then. I have a allowance of 20% more leave of absence than other students in both the colleges and i am Sooo Thankful to Minister Sir for that. And i am utilizing the 20+20 = 40% in both the colleges and its helping a lot. The two colleges are couple of hours apart. So it gets kinda tiresome at times.

BD - Don't you think its partiality. Giving you a 20% Extra Credit in Both the Colleges.

SSD - I dont think so. Coz thats not something i thoght about, i mean "learning" is all i am asking. I dont think its too much to ask and am Sincere.. So No point in that.

BD - Ok. So Whats the deal with all the doctor stuff..

SSD - Well my mom is a Schizophrenic patient and we went to all the places in India Looking for a Cure and Not 1 doctor Could Help Us. So i took it as a Challenge.. Will Cure her...

BD - That's Good. Now Let us Take an Audience Question.. umm.... Yes you! over there..

Audience - Medic and Engineer.. Y not arts or Commerce too. U want to learn. So why not them too.
*Crowd Laughs*

SSD - I hope that wasn't Sarcastic :) .But well actually i did Think about that too. I love Economics and I do wright songs and poems and Stuff all the time. But nah, not risking to Take that much pressure and Ow I hate "History" and "Political Science".. I hope That Solves your Question.

BD - So tell us about your family and a little about personal life, if u may..

SSD- :) well my family comprises of me, my dad, my mom and my little sis.. And I love to hangout with my friends and trust me i do take out time to have fun.. Its not like i am always studying.. That's Personal Enough I guess..

BD - ok. So thats all the time we have for today.. Anything Else would u like to add...

SSD - Well, i hope government can carry out some law or sumthin tht a Student can "Learn" what ever he/she wants to and maybe allowed to Study where ever he wants once qualified...

BD - Thnk you for being here and i m sure you will do wonders someday.. People you just witnessed an Extra ordinary man here.. He is Going to Do Wonders.
Barkha Dhutt Signinig off from Baith'ke baat ...
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and we will be Back tomorrow at the same place, same time and Guess who's coming.. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


      There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.
                                            -- George Sand                                               

Was heart broken, still am.. But it all dissolved now. Now it just attacks me and haunts me at times that "Nobody", i mean there there must be somebody. but "Nobody".... 
At-least i Loved someone, like for real, so that makes me happy. Maybe am not meant to be loved. But I loved someone. We broke-up and I was hallucinating for months until i realized that I ACTUALLY did break up. I was in pieces. Torn, heart Broken. the usual love-breakup crap. I rose from the ashes of my own poverty to not being Loved. Thought i was Strong. Like i said people. But i knew this would haunt me for the rest of my life. I still get all teary when i listen to some songs. 3 Doors Down - Here without you baby. I am not the only one I know. But i also know am not like others. Have i moved on from the breakup that happened 2years ago. Hell YES.. But haven't moved on from the fact that i cannot be loved. Its like when you figure out all the pieces of a puzzle and you cant fit the last piece and soon you realize that the last piece is broken. There lies a perfect life with a void in the middle. Right in the middle of your heart. 
Consumes me at times when am lonely. And am lonely a lot. So yea.. 
Love is so risky of a commodity to look for. I mean "Nobody" .
I just couldn't get over the fact that girls are so spontaneous Minded.. On Spot decisions and selfish ones. 
I wanted a normal life. 
A normal family.
A normal Love.
I have none. 

I wish, i just pray there is still someone out there. One.Who will Love me.
I have dealt with a Lot of girls after the breakup. Hell!! i became a stud for like 6months where i saw the faces of some really nasty girls. Not a Single, not one was beautiful. All were so self consuming, selfish. I mean all. And Still dealing with the same ordeal.
20years have passed. I don't know how long i can take this. The negative energy around me makes me feel so claustrophobic.
Every Girl i have been friends with is just the same. The same ugly face. I know its all pessimistic.But Optimism is like so hopeless. Optimism alone has led me to what i feel right now and depresses me. So why should i be optimistic. Just accepting the fact that i cant be loved is so promising.

The people around me have taught me so much. 
Reality - A stud and a Slut (Happiest people in the world)
Friction - A perfect match.
Rare - A good relation. 

Looking back, i was happy being invisible during my 10 Grade. It was so 'me'. 
Falling for someone - Just killed me..
I feel like a corpse now. Intoxicated. 

I don't know what the future holds for me. But am sure that i will keep falling in love again and again, coz i just cant hear the noise, i keep frolicking towards the fake affection that floats around me.. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Real Steel - My Review

Real Steel - Made Of Metal But Heart of Steel

Just finished watching an awesome movie. Absolutely a diesel pumping and meal crunching one (literally), Couldn't wait to write about it. For people who haven't watched the trailer, please do. And for the others you know the rough sketch about the movie. Well ya, "Robots Fighting".. But i promise you this, its soo much more than that. The entire movie deals with the passion and never give up moto. You might just get inspired.. Soon as u keep progressing in the movie you will know that its more about The will power of an (x) Boxer and his Stubbornness. And oh, the story takes place in the future (just in case you were wondering)

Here is the Story : Charlie' Played by Huge Jackman is now broke but has a 200 frekin' gran  robot to battle. He goes with it to "the Streets" (underground battle) and comes back home lost and with a pile of junk. Apparently he lives with his Female Boxing partner in her house who's father used to teach Charlie Boxing.
She doesn't want to go broke too hence she disapproves with the Robot Stuff, but like i said "Stubborn" ....
Meanwhile his Son Max (yea..) who, "is 9 ot 8 oh i am sorry 11 " who is in custody in a foster family needs to be taken care of by his "dad" coz the family will be gone for a while... So he now joins the party..
The thing gets quite emotional in the middle when there is the intro of the new Robot "Adam" Found by Max in a Junkyard, a 2nd Gen robot wid no fighting capabilities whatsoever.. Only made to be controlled in Shadow mode by its operator and does ahh i dunno, roboty-stuff (i guess), but not meant for Boxing.
Now there must be a villain, haha, expected, Well there is, "Zeus" , Yes the Greek God with the Bolt bot for real, undefeated champion of champions.. But well u might be thinking "Ok, so the 2nd gen Adam learns to fight and defeats Zeus", ehh!! u are partly Correct, except for the defeating Zeus part.
At the End of the Movie Adam wins the "People;s Champion" as they say, but not officially winning..

The Movie is a Must see, The Realist effects and the mind blowwingly Aweesomeee Steel to Steel Clash with sparks flying all over will give eyegasm no doubt. I definitely recommend the movie for all adrenaline pumping fans out there.. The only thing the movie lacks is the back-story, the script could have been a bit descriptive and not jumpy..

Best part in the Movie : The last 5 Rounds, Adam one on one with Zeus kept me Glued to the movie, and after Jackman Took over the Fight it was just Heart pumping Action.
Recommendation : A Definite watch.. Just Do it..
Rating : 9 out of 10 gearboxes... \m/

Here is the Trailler:

Here is The Cast and Crew : (source: wiki)

Directed byShawn Levy
Produced byShawn Levy
Susan Montford
Don Murphy
Screenplay byJohn Gatins
Story byDan Gilroy
Jeremy Leven
Based on"Steel" by
Richard Matheson
StarringHugh Jackman
Dakota Goyo
Evangeline Lilly
Anthony Mackie
Kevin Durand
Music byDanny Elfman
StudioDreamWorks Pictures
Reliance Entertainment
21 Laps Entertainment
Distributed byTouchstone Pictures
Release date(s)October 6, 2011 (Australia)
October 7, 2011(United States and Canada)
Running time127 minutes
CountryUnited States
Budget$110 million

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Filo'sofies.. xD

My Filo'sofy -Boktita No. 208-
When a Guy Sees his female frn wid her Bf in a Pic and Coments Sumthin Like This
"nice pic dear, best wishes 4 lyf tym, smile smile nd smile, keep smiling :), smile alwaz"
This means Either of the 2 things:- 
1. The Guy's life is Super Miserable and is Probably Single Coz his GF left 4 being Over-possessive.
2. He really Knows The guy well. And They r goin to break up soon. So he makes tht Comnent to stay on her side and probably bang her as soon as tht happns.

My Filo'sofy No. 146 :-
Wat is it wid making History... "I will make History", "Ow Look History has been made"... first make the Present and Clear ur Past, Making history is inevitable. History is Made Wid Every passing Second... Hey look its its 2.42pm of 09/04/2011, History has been made Coz this wont Happen anytym in the Future.. #RealityCheck

My Filo'sofy -Boktita No. 342-
(4 Girls* only)
Dnt use the Cosmo as a bible. I dn't knw who cums up with half the tripe, bt m prety sure they need counseling & plz dnt xpect ur man 2 alwys lay on the charm & romance. Sumtims, tht's nice. Sumetims. bt xpectin him 2 be al roses & candles all the time is like xpecting u 2 act like a p0rnstar al the time. If u r nt wiling 2 do tht, dn't xpect him 2 switch 4 u.

My Filo'sofy -Boktita No. 312-
Main Dost banane se q darta hu..
Tum log hena Sab chutayee ho. Sallo Dosti tho kar lete ho, ek ya Do mahino main dosti bahot gahri bhi karlete ho, phir jab ekdum sure hojatee hoi ki yea banda tho dost bangay, sare contact acchanak Band kar dete hain, Phir Jab bhi Koi maddat chayiye, tabhi contack karte hain... CHUTIYoo... xD

My Filo'sofy No.512
The Truth is No one Ever changes... Sumtyms(everytym) we fail to see the Real "Thm", and whn we see who they really r, we say tht they hav changed... :)

My Filo'sofy No.163 :-
Every1 is Double faced. Not necessarily The other face is the Evil one, but is Definitely The Hypocrite One..The other Face is Revealed when the person is alone or under the perfect conditions... And the Sad/Happy truth is; That Other Side to u(the hypocrite one) is the REAL U... :)

My Filo'sofy No.102 :- 
Watch Bollywood Movies* to entertain yourslves, and not to learn lessons... Moves Have Happy Endings, Not real life. Stop taking advice's (love/revenge/family/etc) from moves.. The Movies are just full of Coincident's which rarely happen in real life... Thank.U. Jai Ho.. 
*Except Documentaries, thts real Sh!t..

My Filo'sofy No. 201:-
Never Drink, Smoke or take drugs for a "Reason" , Taking them for a reason will make u badly vurnarable to ur own Negativity. If u realy want to drink or smoke. . Do it for Fun or sumthin.. But never for a Reason... Dont get addicted.. Ok, forget watever i said, Just DONT DO IT... 
