Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Guys, Here is how to confuse a Girl! :D

GUYSSSS!!! - Girl Have a Secret Weapon ... We Have a Solution... \,,/ 

Always remember: Every step of a woman, every decision she utters, desperately demands a reaction, strictly for the basis to continue a drama. And what guys always do is, give her drama. They cry, they ask her reasons, they make her the queen.  But for one second think about breaking this system. The key to get any girl is to confuse her.A girl's life is like a movie, the more you let her be your boss and unknowingly follow her instructions to be a part of that movie, the more you'll never have her in your life and just be a pawn. To have the girl, you have to be her boss; and in order to do that, you have to end that movie right now. 

How do you end it?

Girl: I am sorry but we shouldn't be friends anymore/ I don't want to hurt you anymore/ I am really busy these days, and I have college work to do/ I have to go out with my parents/ I can't call you in the night because I sleep with my sister/ My phone is with my mum as the exams are coming and she caught me talking for hours/

(And still her phone would be busy)

Such are common examples that girls use to ignore you directly. What do you do? If she is directly ignoring you and is interested in some other guy, then don't apply the following method. But if she is friends with you and just confuses you with what she wants, whether she wants you or not, it all implies that she has taken you are granted. You are her insurance; and you never want to be that, trust me.

What you do when she says the following thing:

 Girl: I am sorry but we shouldn't be friends anymore!
 Boy: Again? But why? (this is what guys do every time, they start writing a thesis and resort to compromising) Please don't do this?

Girl: I just want to be alone/ I don't to be friends with anyone/ I want to focus on my studies or work/ I have had enough of guys in my life / blahblah(Another mistake of guys is that they never hear it as blahblah, when all of it is actually blahblah; they start applying their heads and giving reasons to their blahblah, which of course would not result to anything)

Boy: But I don't want to trouble you/ Listen, I would never trouble you/ you can trust me, I won't disturb you or call you very much/ (answers to her blahblah)

Then for a considerable time, a guy tries to call her and she ignores, but the moment he gives up she'd call him one day with nothing to say, and revise everything again.

What you are supposed to answer in order to confuse her- 

Boy: Oh I can understand what you feel. I know you want to be alone, it's alright, I'll never disturb you. You just take care of yourself! 
Girl: ??? 
 (She has nothing to say except for okay and hang up now, and this is when you break her movie.)  You hang up the phone, and you leave her 100 % confused. She'd now think that maybe she doesn't value much in your life, that's why it was okay for you to let go of her with such comfort. And she'd end up calling you again in a day or two. 

The secret is that you do exactly what she tells you to, because that's not at all what she wants. She wants you to act exactly the opposite of it, she wants you to beg, to be felt important.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ghosts: At a Molecular level

Scientific analysis -

I believe in the normal and the paranormal. I mean its only logical. There are things which science can't explain and then there are the blind believers and non-believers. I am a believer. But this article is me putting up an 'Idea', a theory perhaps. I might be a little hypocrite here.
So, the paranormal, the demons, the angles, the good ones and the bad ones. We all heard about them and we all are in a state of confusion.
This might clear a few things up.
If ghosts really do exist whats the state of their existence. I mean "The state" as in, the five states - Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate or a mixture, like us humans because well as the theory goes, people die and they become ghosts. So, its a mixture perhaps.
Spirit and Soul, we talk a lot about those things. I mean if ghosts are spirits/souls then they must feed on something to plain exist, leave alone the 'haunting us' part. So i will presume they feed on minerals and sunlight and other stuff. So as long as they get the adequate amount of power to keep them rolling they are practically immortal.
Lets go with the well known theory about Ghosts:
- They are sometimes lost
- They have a motive at times
- They think they are still alive at times
- They sometimes mean harm to anyone who comes in their way
- They mean no harm at times and are just there to freak us out
- They are usually translucent in nature
- They feed on Fear and Darkness
- They are just stuck on earth and cant move to heaven/hell
- They are sometimes rejected souls and continue doing their work as they did when they were alive.
- And the list goes on - lost(dead) lover(s), unfinished deed, utter confusion, etc etc etc.

So, those are what I know. The deal is lets say they exist.
Whats their basic anatomy(structure)?
We all are made of atoms. Anything in existence should be made of atoms at a nuclear level.
Hence, ghosts = a complex atomic structure. And we very well know, the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred into one form or the other. So they are basically transferred energy packets held into place by some bonds. But the real question is how do they remember what they were when they were alive? How do they manage to gather up the memory from the brain before it decays? Well, perhaps there is a transition of the brain as the body dies. The brain is the first thing to molecularity form, just like the growth of an embryo. And it happens gradually with the memories intact and the unfinished deeds highlighted.

Why the translucent nature of the usually seen ghostly figures?
Perhaps the atoms didn't gel well as they were suppose to, I mean if they would then the entire human would be re-born(reincarnation reference). But no, they are loosely bonded.

How do they get their energy to survive?
We all have heard about "A ghost which has been living up the abandoned mine-shaft house for 100's of years", How? I mean whats the secret. As mentioned earlier - minerals. But, digestion, conversion of minerals to energy! What about it? There might be a process working in them, osmosis sorta or can be like a nuclear reactor (as in the sun). But everything has to end, i mean it can't go on forever.
Well it does. Its just that it takes longer then usual.

What if the earth dies (we know it will some day)? Will they still survive?
Well at least their motive would die, i mean no earth and there will be a bunch of confused souls. But their are other 7 planets and many others millions of light-years away. I highly doubt they will still be able to survive, i mean the cosmic radiation would be enough to vaporize them, let alone the fact that they probably wont be getting the adequate energy supply. Haven't heard about a paranormal activity on the moon or any orbiting satellites.

I have spoken. Reading this you might get it all cleared up or rather more confused then you already were. I just made an opinion. An opinion debatable at so many levels.

Conclusion - Lets hope they exist, that will keep our heads ticking, because there is so much we don't know. The hunger to know more and solve the mysteries of the universe will never end. And i am sure science is all gearing up to Explain the Un-explainable.
